The truth of the universe
シュールレアリズムは心理学者フロイトの思想に影響を受けていますが、私はユング 心理学が提唱している元型やさまざまな文化、思想からのイメージを縁起物とし作品に昇華しています。祖母の家にある縁起物を見た時に、Jeff Queensの「キッチュ」の概念からインスパイアを受け、伝統と現代的なアートを融合させることを思いつきました。また、タイトルは縁物や判じ絵、言霊文化の影響を受けて韻を踏んでいます。
The truth of the universe
As a child, I was physically weak, and painting was one of the ways I used my time to recuperate. My mother was an astrologer and her family communication revolved around Western astrology.
Through my art, I use polarized pigments to express the idea that everything in the world is neutral and that each person gives it meaning. This thought is strongly influenced by Jungian psychology, quantum mechanics, and spirituality.
Surrealism is influenced by the psychologist Freud's thoughts, but I sublimate the archetypes advocated by Jungian psychology and the images of lucky charms from various cultures and thoughts into my works. When I saw lucky charms in my grandmother's house, I was inspired by the concept of "kitsch" by Jeff Queens and came up with the idea of merging traditional and contemporary art. In addition, the title rhymes with the influence of rimmono, hanjie, and kotodama culture.
If all things are neutral, I want to be able to see myself happy, so I drew a lucky motif.